Mar a nì thu doBonns look luxury and extraordinary from all other medals? Creating your own CUSTOM LOGO with RHINESTONE MEDAL is a good choice. Various colors, sizes, materials ARE AVAILABL for Rhinestones, such as high end Swarovski Rhinestones, CZ Rhinestones, Acrylic Rhinestones, etc. Metal base with colorful Rhinestones will bring you a shiny/bling-bling medals to attract customers’ eyes. Why not contacting us at now to get your Medals with Rhinestones?
- Stuth: alloy sinc tilgeadh die / Die air a bhualadh Brass /
- Meud cumanta: 45mm / 50mm no meud sam bith a tha thu ag iarraidh
- Suaicheantas: 2D no 3D tha an dà chuid rim faighinn
- Dathan: cruan cruaidh aithris, cruan bog no gun dathan & cuideachd dath cùlaichte CHAN EIL le stiogair epoxy air a mhullach
- Rhinestones: Swarovski Rhinestones, CZ Rhinestones, Acrylic Rhinestones
- Crìoch: gleansach / matte / àrsaidh, buaidh dà-tòna no sgàthan, snasadh 3 taobhan
- Gun chuingealachadh MOQ
- Ribbon: Tha dath cruaidh no ioma-dath agus suaicheantas àbhaisteach ri fhaighinn cuideachd
- Pasgan: baga builgean, pouch PVC, bogsa pàipear, bogsa meileabhaid deluxe, bogsa leathair
Roimhe: Buinn Snìomh Air adhart: Bràistean poileis